Can Dogs Eat Mango

We love making our pet canines happy, and one of the easiest ways we can do that is feeding him sweet and tasty treats. In the summer, tropical fruits are abundant and while we, as dog owners, love sharing food with our pets, we need to ask ourselves, can my dog eat this?

One fruit, in particular, is mango. It’s soft, sweet, and juicy, and we’d want nothing more for our pet pup to enjoy how delicious the fruit is, but should you? Should you feed your dog mango? Is it safe for them to eat? Or is it toxic?

Well, if you’ve never given your furry friend mango before, then this article will give you the answer.

Can Dogs Eat Mango?

Yes! Dogs can eat mangoes.

They’re tasty, soft, and packed with vitamins and minerals! Your dog will love eating a mango on a hot summer day.
A serving of mango contains Vitamin A, B6, Vitamins C, and E, and packed with fiber content, as well as antioxidants. Vitamin A can help improve your dog’s eyesight and prevent cataracts, while fiber can help improve digestion, while nutrients and antioxidants can help improve your dog’s immune system and the body’s ability to prevent certain diseases.

Overall, mango is a great treat for your dog. However, some things need to be considered when you feed it to your pet canine. While mango is good for your dog, not all parts of the mango are safe to eat.

Parts of a Mango That’s Not Good for Your Dog

The meat of the mango is good for your dog but be careful of the peel or skin, and the mango pit. The skin may be edible and if your puppy has nibbled on some, it will most likely be eliminated through the digestive tract. If your dog has consumed a lot of skin, however, it could be dangerous.

This is because the skin of the mango contains a compound called urushiol. This compound is similar to that found in poison ivy and poison oak, which can cause rashes on your dog.

In terms of the mango pit, it can pose a choking hazard, as well as cause indigestion or an intestinal block that can be dangerous, too. A mango’s pit also contains traces of cyanide, which is toxic to dogs.

There may be times when you can’t monitor your dog as he or she is eating mango, and may have accidentally eaten the pit. If you suspect that your dog has eaten a mango pit, here are some symptoms to help you find out:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Stomach Pain
  • Bloating
  • Stomach Swelling
  • Reduced Appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Breathing Difficulty

If you gave your dog a full mango to eat and he or she is showing these symptoms, it may be a good idea to call your vet or go to the ER immediately.

Related: Dog breeds with health problems

How to Serve Mango to Your Dog

To ensure your dog does not ingest the mango’s skin or mango pit, here are some tips to ensure your dog’s safety and health:

  1. Wash the mango under running water.
  2. Remove the mango’s skin.
  3. Remove the pit.
  4. Slice the mango’s meat into cubes or small slices.

When feeding mango to your dog as a treat, always follow the 90/10 rule. This means that 90% of your dog’s daily diet should consist of his regular food, such as dog food, with only 10% making up the treat.

The most ideal and safest amount of mango to feed your dog is no more than a quarter cup once or twice a week.

If you feed your dog too much mango, stomach upset and diarrhea may occur because mango has a lot of fiber, which your dog may not be used to.

If your dog is suffering from pancreatitis or diabetes, it may be wise to talk to your dog’s vet first before feeding him food that’s not part of his recommended diet.

Here are some more tips on how to serve mango to your dog:

  • If your puppy is teething, feeding him frozen mango cubes is a tasty and enjoyable treat.
  • If your dog is on a strict diet where he shouldn’t eat solid foods, mixing mango puree with his food can improve its overall taste.
  • If you’re traveling or hiking, you can give your dog dried mangoes as a treat or snack.


Related: Foods your dog should never eat

The Bottom Line

Dogs can eat mango and they love it. It’s tasty, healthy, and juicy, and makes for a great summertime snack and treat. However, it must be noted that the skin and pit can cause risks to your dog’s digestive system and overall health. When you serve mango to your dog, make sure you remove the skin and pit first.

As always, feeding your dog new additions to his diet should be done in moderation. Make sure you only feed your dog mango once a week and not more than a quarter cup. If he shows changes in his bowel movement, or he vomits, loses his appetite to other foods, and becomes lethargic after you feed him mungo, it’s best that you call his vet, or go to the ER right away if he’s becoming weak.

Mango is a sweet treat for your dog, by making sure it’s given in moderation, sans the skin and pit.


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